By committing a crime or indictable offense in New Jersey a person will face life changing consequences. Often times those who are facing an indictable charge will have the outcome decided by the specific facts of their case. New Jersey has various degrees of crimes corresponding punishments. For those facing an indictable offense, legal representation is absolutely recommended to ensure that your rights are protected. At Villani & DeLuca, P.C. our team of criminal defense lawyers represents clients facing various types of indictable offenses in both Monmouth and Ocean County.
Indictable crimes in New Jersey N.J.S.A. 2C:1-4(a)
“An offense defined by this code or by any other statute of this State, for which a sentence of imprisonment in excess of 6 months is authorized, constitutes a crime within the meaning of the Constitution of this State. Crimes are designated in this code as being of the first, second, third or fourth degree.”
Penalties for indictable crimes in New Jersey
If convicted of a crime, a defendant can have their sentence significantly affect by what degree the crime is classified. N.J.S.A 2C: 43-6(a) lays out the general imprisonment that could result as follows:
First Degree Crimes- In the case of a crime of the first degree, for a specific term of years which shall be fixed by the court and shall be between 10 and 20 years.
Second Degree Crimes- In the case of a crime of the second degree, for a specific term of years which shall be fixed by the court and shall be between 5 and 10 years.
Third Degree Crimes- In the case of a crime of the third degree, for a specific term of years which shall be fixed by the court and shall be between 3 and 5 years.
Fourth Degree Crimes- In the case of a crime of the fourth degree, for a specific term which shall be fixed by the court and shall not exceed 18 months.
Sentences imposed by the judge consider both aggravated and mitigating factors, as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:44-1.
Criminal Defense Attorneys at Villani & DeLuca, P.C.
Those facing criminal charges for an indictable offense in Monmouth County need legal representation. In every criminal case the State will have the burden of proving the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Our firm's founding partner Carmine R. Villani, Esq. and Timothy Horn, Esq. represent clients facing criminal charges. Call us at 732-820-1256 to schedule a FREE consultation and speak with our attorneys.
In New Jersey there are many different crimes which carry different levels of punishment. For those who engage in behavior that may not necessarily qualify as a crime, New Jersey has what are known as disorderly person offenses or petty disorderly offenses. Though a disorderly person offense or petty disorderly offense may not be classified as a crime, these offenses still carry punishments that can affect you for years after the event. Each summer in Ocean County, many young adults are charged with these offenses after a night out with friends in popular Jersey Shore towns such as Seaside Heights or Point Pleasant Beach. By using a fake ID to gain entry into a bar, being involved in a bar fight, or something as simple as even urinating in public, could lead to a disorderly persons charge. Villani & DeLuca, P.C., located in Point Pleasant Beach, has been represented those facing disorderly persons offenses since 1996.