Caught With a Fake ID on the Jersey Shore? Now What Do You Do?
Possession of false identification in New Jersey is a serious crime — just how serious it is depends on what you've done or intend to do with the fake ID. A person who sells or intends to sell a fake ID could be charged with a second-degree crime, which can be punished by five to ten years of imprisonment. A person who uses a fake ID for the illegal purchase of alcohol or cigarettes could be charged with a disorderly persons offense, which can be punished by a fine up to $1,000 and jail up to six months. If the charge is written under title 33, the alcohol control statutes, there is also a possible six (6) month loss of license which could be imposed.
If you face charges of any kind related to the possession or use of a fake ID, the criminal defense attorneys of Villani & DeLuca, P.C., can help you. Contact us at our main office in Point Pleasant Beach for a free consultation, and find out how experienced lawyers can expand your options toward a favorable resolution of a serious problem.
Protecting Your Future in Underage Alcohol Cases
The most common fake ID scenario that we see on the Jersey Shore involves underage persons using false identification to enter nightclubs, buy drinks, or purchase beer or liquor at a store. First offenders frequently receive what appear to be attractive guilty plea deals. For college students, military servicemembers, or other young people with serious career plans, taking the plea offer can turn out to be a mistake. The charge written does not say “fake id,” it really says “tampering with a government document.” For obvious reasons, this can be a concern for future employment.
Your record of possessing or using a fake ID can complicate your life later. It could hurt your ability to obtain a professional license, get a security clearance, rent an apartment, or get a job that depends on strict character qualifications. If you want to avoid the continuing consequences of a fake ID conviction, you should get dependable legal advice as soon as possible after your arrest.
In addition to cases involving fake IDs in the hands of underage persons, we also advise people whose cases are more serious, such as those caught with multiple false IDs or who provide false identification to others for a variety of purposes, including authorization to work in the United States.
Call 732-820-1256 for an Experienced Attorney's Advice
The criminal defense lawyers of Villani & DeLuca have decades of experience with the resolution of Jersey Shore fake ID cases. We know how to defend these cases because several of our attorneys have prosecuted them for several municipalities in Ocean and Monmouth counties. We know how to identify the evidentiary and procedural weaknesses in the case against you that can open up a path toward dismissal. We're also familiar with the full range of diversion and treatment programs available throughout our area that can take your case out of the criminal justice system altogether.
Don't let a moment's bad judgment over vacation or a holiday weekend interfere with your future. To develop and present your strongest possible defense against New Jersey fake ID charges, contact Villani & DeLuca in Point Pleasant Beach for a free consultation.
Fraudulent Documents to Police and Government (N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1)
c. A person who knowingly exhibits, displays or utters a document or other writing which falsely purports to be a driver's license or other document issued by a governmental agency and which could be used as a means of verifying a person's identity or age or any other personal identifying information is guilty of a crime of the third degree. A violation of R.S. 33:1-81 or section 6 of P.L. 1968, c.313 (C.33:1-81.7) for using the personal identifying information of another to illegally purchase an alcoholic beverage or for using the personal identifying information of another to misrepresent his age for the purpose of obtaining tobacco or other consumer product denied to persons under 18 years of age shall not constitute an offense under this subsection if the actor received only that benefit or service and did not perpetrate or attempt to perpetrate any additional injury or fraud on another.
d. A person who knowingly possesses a document or other writing which falsely purports to be a driver's license or other document issued by a governmental agency and which could be used as a means of verifying a person's identity or age or any other personal identifying information is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.
Tampering With Public Records or Information (N.J.S.A. 2C:28-7)
Tampering with public records or information. a. Offense defined. A person commits an offense if he:
(1)Knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of, any record, document or thing belonging to, or received or kept by, the government for information or record, or required by law to be kept by others for information of the government;
What to Do If You Have Been Charged For Using A Fake ID?
If your child was arrested for trying to get into a bar or buy alcohol in Ocean or Monmouth County you should discuss the pending charges with a criminal defense attorney. Possession of a Fake ID could result in a criminal record that could affect your child's ability to find a job or employment in the future.