Contact Us for a Free Consultation 732-820-1256

24-7 Client Service

Jersey Shore Criminal Defense

Villani & DeLuca, P.C., emphasizes client service tailored to the individual needs of each client. We stay available to our clients from the beginning of the case to the end, and it's very rare for a client not to hear back from their attorney within a few hours, no matter when they try to contact us. We're available to help you 24-7 every day of the year.

Founded by Carmine R. Villani and Vincent C. DeLuca in 1996, our firm advises and represents people in a wide range of matters specific to our Jersey Shore communities. On the criminal defense side, that often means helping people who get in trouble during weekends, summer vacations and holidays, when the beach resorts are crowded and our large NJ police presence leads to trouble.

Consequently, we have a lot of experience with cases like drunk driving, disorderly persons, theft offenses, drug possession, assault and similar offenses. Several of our lawyers are former municipal prosecutors who know exactly what the State or municipality needs to prove to convict you on a given charge. We also know how to get the courts to work with you in an effort to keep a single mistake from making trouble for you for years to come.

Most of our clients have little idea what to expect when they first come to us with a criminal defense problem. While they might have seen the penalties on a given charge in a quick Internet search, they don't know until they talk to us what an experienced and committed defense attorney can do to protect them. After the first consultation, what seems like the end of the world starts to look a lot more manageable.

For a free consultation about the ways we can help you get started toward a positive result in your Jersey Shore criminal matter, contact a knowledgeable defense lawyer at Villani & DeLuca, P.C..

You Have Rights! Let Our Firm Help Protect Them!

If you are facing charges in Ocean County or Monmouth County, you should be aware that a conviction can have serious consequences which will impact your life. The attorneys at Villani & DeLuca are experienced in helping people that are facing criminal charges determine the best possible outcome for their case and work toward an effective resolution. Carmine Villani and the lawyers at Villani & DeLuca will be with you every step of the way.

Contact the criminal defense team of Villani & DeLuca today.
