Why Should You Hire Villani & DeLuca To Defend You Against A DWI Charge?
Don't go it alone! Villani & DeLuca, P.C.'s NJ DWI legal team is here to assist you in your defense of all DWI charges pending against you. At our firm, we offer a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION to discuss your case, whether it is for driving while drunk, on prescription or illegal drugs, or refusing a Breathalyzer. Do not delay seeking legal council because the police and prosecutor aren't waiting. As they work to make a strong case against you, you need to plan your defense while the event is still fresh. A DWI could cost you thousands of dollars, community services, loss of driving privileges or even jail time. CALL TODAY to start your legal defense.
Don't risk defending yourself against these possible harsh penalties:
- Incarceration
- Fines
- Insurance Penalties
- Loss of Driving Privileges
- Installation of an Ignition Interlock Device
- Mandatory Rehab
FREE DWI Consultations in New Jersey
Our experienced team of drunk driving lawyers will assist you find the best possible legal challenges in your case. We will go over step by step what happened after the police initially pulled you over. We will discuss your field sobriety test or breathe test you may have taken while at the police station. Don't wait to contact our team of drunk driving attorneys, since your first court date is fast approaching. Do not rely on the advice of others or advice you seek on the internet. Each case is unique and that's why you need to call for your free evaluation. Our firm has over twenty years of experience defending our clients against drunk driving laws and penalties. We will seek out the flaws in the prosecutor's case and work to have charges withdrawn or penalties reduced. Our team is trained in the proper methods of administering the field sobriety test and the appropriate operation of the Dräeger Alcotest® breath test device.
Villani & DeLuca, P.C. Credentials
Villani & DeLuca, P.C.'s experienced NJ DWI LAWYERS have been working cases like yours for over twenty years. We have hands on knowledge that isn't found in a text book. Our attorneys have the worldly experience to resolve your case.

Across New Jersey, the police use Dräeger Alcotest® equipment for their official breathalyzer test. To have an advantage over the outcome of this test, Carmine R. Villani, Esq. has completed training in the use of the Alcotest® breathalyzer in order to find a potential weakness in the administration and upkeep of the equipment leading to the withholding of this key piece of evidence for the prosecution. This will improve your defense of all pending DWI charges.

Our training in the defense of DWI cases included being certified in the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST). The SFST is administered when a police officer suspects you of being intoxicated while driving. Using our knowledge of this test, we will be better able to defend your legal rights in court. With our knowledge of the SFST we may be able to demonstrate that at the time of your stop the police officer did not follow proper procedures while administering the test. Our NJ DWI LAWYERS will try to have the test deemed inadmissible in court further weakening the pending case against you.

If your traffic stop is related to an impairment by drugs, it is imperative to find a lawyer that is knowledgeable in Drug Recognition Expert Training (DRE). These types of arrest are growing each year in New Jersey. If the evidence in your case is based off of the opinion of a DRE officer, you need someone that can challenge the officer's training and administration of the test. Our Lawyers have been trained in DRE includes education on the proper vital sign and eye exams conducted by DRE officers, such as the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), vertical nystagmus test (VGN) and pupil reaction to light.

As a former municipal court prosecutor in Monmouth County, Carmine R. Villani, Esq. understands both sides of the court which allows him to have a unique perspective of the judicial system. This knowledge gives him an insider's perspective on your legal rights.